Comic Fiesta 2012 – Part 2

lol this is our part two… sorry for late upload btw this is Comic Fiesta 2012’s pictures gallery for part two… yeah we got multiple sources of photographer’s pictures so you can find some military cosplayer’s pictures (since some of us chasing them) somewhere along this post.

Asunas and Kitiros everywhere… also Inoris

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Comic Fiesta 2012

Once again KLCC have been selected to be the venue for one of the biggest Anime, Comic, & Game Convention (ACGC) in Malaysia; Comic fiesta. As the culture now becoming more & more popular with Malaysian, the number of people coming to the event reached OVER 9000! (Saying it like Vegeta from Dragon Ball) at the first half of Day 1, easily. These numbers are affected by regular event goers, cosplayers, photographers, tourists@first timers & the Comic Fiesta committee themselves.

Congratulations to Comic Fiesta committee for the achievement unlock of over 25,000 visitors blasting for both day of the event (22 and 23 December 2012), more than double the number from last year! thumbs up!

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Anime Festival Asia Malaysia 2012 – Day 1

The event was held at Exhibition hall but i guess i can enter from the big door on the east of exhibition hall… i neeed to enter from the PWTC below Dewan Merdeka. By the way, the concert was superb, and the last moment when they shouting and enjoying the concert. Not much image i get since i was away from the AFA event due to some commitment. But really, really seek what happen on second day.

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Let’s make cut paste wallpaper by Photoshop!!

when I got bored.. opening the Photoshop and get this blank background I cut somewhere on internet… then, download some anime picture and start the lame editing game works!!

main image in the wallpaper was aligned to right due to not messed up with icon on desktop on the left…

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Ponytail + Red Hair + Hair Ribbon = my favourite characters!!

ponytail is one of hairstyle usually used by women/girl. the style are simple, easy to make and useful in daily-active woman style. the typical character of ponytail girl usually they are active person such athlete, fast moving worker, aggressive, and sometime they choose it for having simple style others than free-hair… this not apply to all but in some view it’s clearly determine the characteristics of person that use ponytail as her hairstyle.

red hair or ginger hair actually really happen naturally in 1-2% of world population. but when we watching anime, the colour actually will be more stressed on red, not orange-ginger colour as naturally in reality world. anyway many people believe the red colour hair people is aggressive, short tempered, sharp tongue, sensitive to thermal and have high sexual performance. in 2D world, it happen and sometime when we playing a game or watching an anime, we can predict “owh, this character might be this, this, and this…”, “she’s tsundere!!” lol yeah we mostly win in this prediction war.

hair ribbon… ribbon + hair.. thank you. in some position, the hair ribbon will look like cat ears/nekomimi or kemonomimi… that’s what i desired to look actually hehehee~

here some gathering of character born from both lightness and darkness side through the equation of:


character from Anime

Corticarte Apa Lagranges

(Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica)

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